Peter Mungkuri & Alec Baker - Ngura (Country) - 198 x 243 cm (sold)

Peter Mungkuri & Alec Baker - Ngura (Country) - 198 x 243 cm
Peter Mungkuri & Alec Baker - Ngura (Country) - 198 x 243 cm

Peter Mungkuri & Alec Baker - Ngura (Country) - 198 x 243 cm (sold)


Artistes : Alec Baker (1932) et Peter Mungkuri (1946)

Titre de l'œuvre : Ngura (Country) - Collaborative Painting by Peter Mungkuri & Alec Baker 

Format : 198 x 243 cm 

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène d’Iwantja

Référence de cette peinture aborigène : 44-17 


Explications pour cette peinture d'art Aborigène :

“Alec and I have known each other our whole lives. We were born in the bush, our families lived the traditional way; we didn’t meet white men until we were young boys. Together we worked as stockmen for many years, droving cattle across the desert all over this country. At night we would sleep under the stars, share stories and culture; we were cowboys back then. We raised our families together at Iwantja, and protected our people, country and culture always. Together we know the hard times and the good times. My life is his life too. This painting is from both of us. This is Alec’s country and my country, our thoughts, our memories, and our culture are here.” 

- Peter Mungkuri 

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