Taylor Wanyima Cooper - Malara: Wanampi Tjukurpa - 153cm x 153cm - 18-204 (sold)

Taylor Wanyima Cooper - Malara: Wanampi Tjukurpa - 153cm x 153cm - 18-204
Taylor Wanyima Cooper - Malara: Wanampi Tjukurpa - 153cm x 153cm - 18-204

Taylor Wanyima Cooper - Malara: Wanampi Tjukurpa - 153cm x 153cm - 18-204 (sold)


Artiste : Taylor Wanyima Cooper (1940)

Titre de l'œuvre : Malara: Wanampi Tjukurpa

Format : 153cm x 153cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène de Kaltjiti Arts

Référence de cette peinture aborigène : 18-204


Explications pour cette peinture d'art Aborigène :

Malara is the place of the Water Serpent Dreaming. Taylor was born at this important site of the Wanampi Tjukurpa, the Rainbow Serpent or water snake Dreaming. The Malara Wanampi is his Tjukurpa totemic ancestor. Taylor is Nguraritja, a traditional custodian of this tjukurpa. There were many water holes that the Wanapmi travelled through.

“That Wanampi came from Malara. He went to Kunytjanu near Pipalyatjara From Kunytjanu that Wanampi kept walking, walking. He came to Tjuntun (kutjupa -different to Tjuntun at Fregon.) near Watarru. He threw one spear and made that rockhole. He went right in that rockhole and then he travelled back to Malara. This is a conflict story. This region is located far west of the *APY Lands.

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