Freddy Ken - Kungkarangkalpa - Rainbow Story - 150 x 100 cm - 209-24

Peinture Aborigène de l'artiste Freddy Ken - Kungkarangkalpa - Rainbow Story - 150 x 100 cm - 209-24
Peinture Aborigène de l'artiste Freddy Ken - Kungkarangkalpa - Rainbow Story - 150 x 100 cm - 209-24

Freddy Ken - Kungkarangkalpa - Rainbow Story - 150 x 100 cm - 209-24


Artiste : Freddy Ken

Titre de l'œuvre : Kungkarangkalpa - Rainbow Story

Format : 150 x 100 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène d’Ernabella

Référence de cette peinture aborigène : 209-24

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Explication sur cette œuvre :

Kungkarangkalpa means the Seven Sisters. This is an extensive creation story that relates to the Pleiades constellation in the southern hemisphere. The story traverses Australia taking on different forms, however local Aṉangu are privy to the part of the story which takes place in the country near Ernabella.

For this part of the story, a man called Nyiru is chasing the sisters as he wants to sleep with the oldest sister. All the younger sisters are deeply afraid of him. Nyiru uses magic to create a rainbow in the sky and the younger sisters are in awe looking at it. But the eldest sister is ninti (clever) and knows that it is that wati kura (bad man) and tells the sisters – ara! (run away!) so that he doesn’t catch them.

Eventually, to escape Nyiru, the sisters fly into the sky where they turn into stars and form the constellation.

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