Rachael Mipantjiti Lionel - Kapi Wankanya - 180 x 120 cm - 390-21 (sold)

Rachael Mipantjiti Lionel - Kapi Wankanya - 180 x 120 cm - 390-21 - aboriginal art
Rachael Mipantjiti Lionel - Kapi Wankanya - 180 x 120 cm - 390-21 - aboriginal art

Rachael Mipantjiti Lionel - Kapi Wankanya - 180 x 120 cm - 390-21 (sold)


Artiste : Rachael Mipantjiti Lionel

Titre de l'œuvre : Kapi Wankanya

Format : 180 x 120 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art d'Ernabella

Référence de cette peinture d'art Aborigène : 390-21

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Explanations of this Aboriginal art painting :

Rachael comes from the third generation of Lionel women painting at Ernabella Arts. Rachael draws inspiration for her paintings from the stories and messages she receives through her dreams. Kapi Wankanya represents one of these dreams and tells a story of living water, sacred water. In the context of the dream, Rachael speaks of the sensation of floating in water and also feeling its healing force inside her body. “Kapi Wankanya is a powerful water story."

Her artworks are in the prestigious following collections :
- Artbank, 2018
- Museum And Art Gallery Of The Northern Territory, 2016
- National Museum Of Australia, 2016
- Private collections

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