Amy Ngurnta Nuggett - Rijijirr - Bush Medicine - 120 x 120 cm - 17/20


Amy Ngurnta Nuggett - Rijijirr - Bush Medicine - 120 x 120 cm - 17/20


Artiste : Amy Ngurnta Nuggett

Titre de l'œuvre : Rijijirr - Bush Medicine

Format : 120 x 120 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art de Mangkaja

Référence de cette peinture Aborigène d'Australie : 17/20

Explications sur cette œuvre :

Amy is known as an artist at Mangkaja and a traditional owner in native title Customary Law. A widow for many years, and now in her late sixties, Amy has five adult children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, and an extended family that resides in Kimberley and Western Desert communities and towns.

This painting is about the bush medicine plant called Rijijirr. It grows around the pirnti (waterhole). We used this plant by squeezing it together and rubbing it under our eyes to keep the flies away and getting a sore eye. We didn’t want any bung eye. Rijiirr helped us for the bush medicine side.

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