Roy Underwood - Mulpulya Dreaming Time story - 117x92 cm (sold)


Roy Underwood - Mulpulya Dreaming Time story - 117x92 cm (sold)


Artiste : Roy Underwood

Titre de cette œuvre d'art Aborigène : Mulpulya Dreaming Time story

Format : 117x92 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène du Spinifex Art Project

Référence de cette peinture : C980

Explications de l'œuvre :

Roy has painted the story of the Minyma Pitjitjarli (Scorpion Story) at Mulpulya and Kanpa. In the painting Roy has shown the tracks and holes of this minyma in her area. This story like many other Spinifex stories is sacred and only general detail is appropriate to discuss here. Myrtle Pennington was born in this area and Roy can paint this area through his family ties.

Roy has been a major driving force in returning the Spinifex people to their country and representing and negotiating the unbroken connection to country which was the key element in the Federal Court decision to grant the Spinifex people exclusive Native Title over 55,000 sq. km. in 2000. Roy continues to be a venerated Elder and is routinely elected to Spinifex Land Council and Tjuntjuntjara Community Council.

Roy has a unique painting style somewhat reminiscent of Kiwirkurra mens’ designs from Pintupi country hundreds of kilometres to the northwest and has influenced other artists with his bold and sometimes geometric designs. He is a strong force within the Spinifex Arts project and a much sought after painter.

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