Marlene Juli - GURLABAL - 80 x 60 cm (sold) — Art Aborigène d'Australie - Aboriginal Signature Estrangin gallery

Marlene Juli - GURLABAL - 80 x 60 cm (sold)

Marlene Juli - GURLABAL - 80 x 60 cm (sold)


Titre de l'œuvre : GURLABAL

Artiste : Marlene Juli

Format : 80 x 60 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène de Warmun

Référence de cette peinture d'art indigène d’Australie : 378/16

© Photo : Aboriginal Signature Estrangin gallery with the courtesy of the artist and Warmun Arts.

Explanations of this Aboriginal painting :

'In the Ngarranggarni (Dreaming) Gurlabal the rainbow snake travelled from One Mile in search of water,' Marlene Juli says. 'He found water in the Springvale River. He rolled on his back in the water because he was over-heated. He turned into stone and is still there today.'

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