Djambawa Marawili - Metamorphosis/Dhakalmayi- 120 x 70 cm - 2895U

Djambawa Marawili - Metamorphosis/Dhakalmayi- 120 x 70 cm - 2895U
Artiste : Djambawa Marawili (1953)
Titre de l'œuvre : Metamorphosis/Dhakalmayi
Format : 120 x 70 cm
Pigments naturels sur écorce d'eucalyptus
Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigene de Yirrkala
Référence de la peinture : 2895U
Explications sur cette œuvre :
This painting by Djambawa depicts the transformation of the ancestral warrior Bäru into the Madarrpa power totem of crocodile through the agency of fire. This motif of Baru holding fire sticks or clapsticks and generating fire or sacred song (manikay) appears again and again within Djambawa’s work for the Sydney Biennale show and feels like a multilayered self portrait. Djambawa is becoming the Baru through his observation of Madarrpa law in song and art.
He is himself being transformed by the act of painting as Baru was by fire. Here he is presiding over ceremony and generating/directing and being consumed by the fire of these designs, songs and law. As the fire spreads so does the song touch on these areas connected through manikay.
© Photo & text : Aboriginal signature with the courtesy of the artist, & Buku-Larrngay Mulka.