Winifred Nanala - Luurnpa - 120 x 80 cm - 686-18 (sold)

Winifred Nanala - Luurnpa - 120 x 80 cm - 686-18
Winifred Nanala - Luurnpa - 120 x 80 cm - 686-18

Winifred Nanala - Luurnpa - 120 x 80 cm - 686-18 (sold)


Artiste : Winifred Nanala

Titre de l'œuvre : Luurnpa

Format : 120 x 80 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène de Balgo

Référence de cette peinture : 686-18

Explications sur cette peinture Aborigène :

Winnifred has painted the Luurnpa Tjukurrpa (Kingfisher Dreaming) a site important to the creation of Wirrimanu (Balgo). The Luurnpa put its beak into a hole in the ground and a group of people climbed out from the hole onto the Kingfisher's back.The dark red section of the painting represents the Luurnpa as he travels through this country, creating the escarpment of Wirrimanu which are flanked by creek lines and full of caves. The many lines created in this painting represent the Balgo hills. This is the country of Winnifred's childhood.

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© Photo : Aboriginal Signature Estrangin gallery with the courtesy of the artists and Balgo

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