Anne Nginyangka Thompson - Strong Family Connection - 20 x 16,5 cm - 159C-24

Anne Nginyangka Thompson - Strong Family Connection - 20 x 16,5 cm - 159C-24
Anne Nginyangka Thompson - Strong Family Connection - 20 x 16,5 cm - 159C-24

Anne Nginyangka Thompson - Strong Family Connection - 20 x 16,5 cm - 159C-24


Artiste : Anne Nginyangka Thompson

Titre de l'œuvre : Strong Family Connection

Format : 20 x 16,5 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art d'Ernabella

Référence de la céramique : 159C-24

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Explications sur cette céramique Aborigène :

This is a story of how life was before. It’s a beautiful landscape without problems like we have today. There were no problems then, people were happy. They were connected as families. It shows what life was like for our people in the past before we had houses. Everything was silent, and all the animals were close by to the people. Everyone looked after the animals and the environment. People don’t have that life anymore.

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