Alec Baker and Eric Barney - Ngura (Country) - 167 x 101 cm - 100-21 (sold)

Alec Baker  and Eric Barney - Ngura (Country) - 167 x 101 cm - 100-21 - art aborigène
Alec Baker  and Eric Barney - Ngura (Country) - 167 x 101 cm - 100-21 - art aborigène

Alec Baker and Eric Barney - Ngura (Country) - 167 x 101 cm - 100-21 (sold)


Artistes : Alec Baker (1932) and Eric Barney

Titre de l'œuvre : Ngura (Country)

Format : 167 x 101 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène d’Iwantja

Référence de cette peinture aborigène : 100-21

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Explications pour cette peinture d'art Aborigène :

Collaborative painting by senior Law-man Alec Baker and younger artist Eric Barney

Baker says:

“I painted this together with this youngfella here – Barney. That’s one way that we teach our younger people, by sitting down painting together and talking and singing our stories. I always paint my country; kalaya tjina (emu tracks), tjukula (rock-holes), minyma (women) travelling. My country has a lot of story, a lot of history.”

Barney adds:

“Alec and the other old men taught me about riding horses, they taught me and continue to teach me about Law, they also teach me about painting. I’m proud to be painting Yankunytjatjara country together with this old man Alec.”

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