Jack Nawilil - Mandjabu - 110x50cm - 614-18

Jack Nawilil - Mandjabu - 110x50cm - 614-18 - peinture Aborigène
Jack Nawilil - Mandjabu - 110x50cm - 614-18 - peinture Aborigène

Jack Nawilil - Mandjabu - 110x50cm - 614-18


Artiste : Jack Nawilil

Titre de l'œuvre : Mandjabu

Pigments naturels sur écorce

Format : 110x50cm

Référence de la peinture : 614-18

Explications pour cette œuvre :
This painting depicts manjabu (conical fish trap). It is placed in the river with fish fences on either side and the fish swim in and get trapped. They after often made from a thick jungle vine called milil, but sometimes softer fibres are used, such as sedge grass, to make smaller traps.

© Photo & text : Aboriginal signature with the courtesy of the artist & Maningrida Arts

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