Jakayu Biljabu - Kunapila claypan and soak (close to Wells 25 & 27) - 152 x 76 cm (sold) — Art Aborigène d'Australie - Aboriginal Signature Estrangin gallery

Jakayu Biljabu - Kunapila claypan and soak (close to Wells 25 & 27) - 152 x 76 cm (sold)

Jakayu Biljabu - Kunapila claypan and soak (close to Wells 25 & 27) - 152 x 76 cm (sold)


Artiste : Jakayu Biljabu (1936)

Titre de l'œuvre : Kunapila claypan and soak (close to Wells 25 & 27)

Format : 152 x 76 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène de Martumili

Référence de cette peinture : 16-514

Œuvre vendue. Découvrez notre collection de peintures Aborigènes disponibles ici

Explications pour cette œuvre :

Depicted here is Kunapila, the site of a large lynji (claypan) and soak. Kunapila lies south of Raarki (Well 27) and east of Wantili (Well 25) along the Canning Stock Route.

There is also a large, distinctive yapu (hill) at Kunapila. In the Wati Kujarra
jukurrpa (Two Men Dreaming) narrative, two men travelled around, creating hills and soaks along the way.

At the site of Kunapila they saw a large black and smaller brown goanna. Here the men painted themselves and the goannas, one with black ochre and the other with brown. They continued on their journey from here.

© Photo : Aboriginal Signature Estrangin gallery with the courtesy of the artists and Martumili

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