Michelle Bush - Pwoja - 60 x 60 cm - 538-19 (sold)

Michelle Bush - Pwoja - 60 x 60 cm - 538-19 - art_aborigene
Michelle Bush - Pwoja - 60 x 60 cm - 538-19 - art_aborigene

Michelle Bush - Pwoja - 60 x 60 cm - 538-19 (sold)


Artiste : Michelle Bush

Titre de l'œuvre : Pwoja

Pigments naturels sur toile de lin Belge

Format : 60 x 60 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène de Jalimara (Tiwi Island)

Référence de la peinture : 538-19

© Photo : Aboriginal signature with the courtesy of the artist & Jilamara Art centre (Tiwi Island)

Explications sur cette œuvre :

Traditional Tiwi Culture placed special significance on the Pukumani (funeral) ceremony. Mourners are decorated using natural ochres to disguise themselves from the spirit of the deceased and song and dance is performed to honour the dead.
Yirrinkiripwoja (bodypaint) is the source of many contemporary Tiwi designs and performance of the pukumani as ritual helps to reinvigorate the imagery. The shortening of the word to Pwoja - also refers to 'best'.

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