Raelene Lampuwatu Kerinauia - Kayimwagakimi jilamara - 200 x 60 cm - 1666-03 (sold)

Raelene Lampuwatu Kerinauia - Kayimwagakimi jilamara - 200 x 60 cm - 1666-03
Raelene Lampuwatu Kerinauia - Kayimwagakimi jilamara - 200 x 60 cm - 1666-03

Raelene Lampuwatu Kerinauia - Kayimwagakimi jilamara - 200 x 60 cm - 1666-03 (sold)


Artiste : Raelene Lampuwatu Kerinauia

Titre de l'œuvre : Kayimwagakimi jilamara

Pigments naturels sur toile de lin Belge

Format : 200 x 60 cm

Provenance et certificat : centre d'art aborigène de Jalimara (Tiwi Island)

Référence de la peinture : 1666-03

© Photo : Aboriginal signature with the courtesy of the artist & Jilamara Art centre (Tiwi Island)

Explications pour cette œuvre :

Kayimwagakimi is the traditional Tiwi painting 'comb'. Made from bloodwood or ironwood, it is about 15cm high with a single row of teeth. The comb is dabbed in ochre and applied to the painting surface resulting in a straight line of fine dots, a process which is repeated over and over. Kayimwagakimi and marlipinyini (a fine stick or pandanus frond chewed to form a brush) have largely been replaced by modern brushes but a handful of Tiwi still use traditional tools.


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